The Divine Romance - Gene Edwards

Written by
Gene Edwards
A review of this book was compiled by:
Brandon Watson

A summary of this book:

It is an amazing allegory of the Genesis to Revelation account. Man's creation brought around out of God's desire for a relationship with someone like Him. Takes you on a romantic journey on God's desire to see the Bride of Christ built up to that day when Jesus receives His reward for His suffering, a pure and Spotless Wife

What did you like about the book?

Everything. It's beautifully written with subtle humor and yet a deep soberity underpins the whole text.

What did you not like about this book?


Who would benefit most from reading this book?

It fueled a deep hunger to return to first love with God

Do you recommend this book?

Yes, without reservation!

If someone reads this book, they should be aware of the following...

It's more a novel than a how to improve type of book. Be ready to be romanced back towards the Heart of a loving God

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