Breaking the Power of Evil - Rick Joyner

Written by
Rick Joyner
A review of this book was compiled by:
Vince Rafferty

A summary of this book:

The book highlights different battles that we as the church are facing and how to use God's weapons to defeat the enemy. He has a wide range of topics within the book, including wealth and tithing, and fears that Satan uses to cripple us, Abortion, etc. He also speaks into the political atmosphere that the American Church faces and highlights that the church should not fight using civil authority [politics, laws, Bills, arguments and fighting] but rather spiritual authority [prayer, fasting, anointing, etc.]

What did you like about the book?

much wisdom all over

What did you not like about this book?

Some of the battles are very relevant to the American Church, but not as much to us.  

Who would benefit most from reading this book?

Church Leaders

Do you recommend this book?

Yes, without reservation!

If someone reads this book, they should be aware of the following...

not light reading

About the book review author:

Vince and Christine Rafferty have been married since 1999 and have 2 kids, Tyde and Eden.

They planted a church in 2000 and later on, joined Oxygen Life in 2011. Now, they lead the Walmer Am congregation.