Abba's Child

Written by
Brennan Manning
A review of this book was compiled by:
Thomas Duthie

A summary of this book:

Living without pretense or masquerade, before our Lord as well as others. Our primary identity is that we are His beloved. The chapter on "the imposter" in each of us is very revealing too.

What did you like about the book?

It calls believers (us) toward greater authenticity of faith.

What did you not like about this book?

A bit of woke ness here and there

Who would benefit most from reading this book?

People who want to please others - people pleasers. As well as those who think they are not.... all of us actually

Do you recommend this book?

Yes, without reservation!

If someone reads this book, they should be aware of the following...

Some of it is a bit airey fairy

About the book review author:

Thomas and Liesl Duthie have been married since 1989 and have 4 boys, David, Iain, Robbie and Craig. Thomas owns his own packaging manufacturing company.  

Thomas and Liesl have been a part of Oxygen Life since 2006 and Thom has been on Eldership since 2018